"""This module implements a class that can fit the Potts model to data and make predictions with the model. `FEM for discrete data`_
.. _FEM for discrete data:
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
import combinatorics
from .. import fortran_module
[docs]class model(object):
"""This class implements a Potts model that can be fit to data and used to make predictions.
degs (list): A list of model degrees
n_x (int): The number of input variables
n_y (int): The number of output variables
m_x (ndarray): An array of length `n_x` listing the number of values that each input variable takes
m_y (ndarray):
m_x_cumsum (ndarray):
m_y_cumsum (ndarray):
x_int (ndarray): The input variable data `x` mapped to nonnegative integers
y_int (ndarray): The output variable data `y` mapped to nonnegative integers
cat_x (list): A list of per-row dicts that map the input x symbol data to the integer data in `x_int`
cat_y (list):
cat_x_inv (list): A list of dicts that are the inverses of the list of dicts in `cat_x`
cat_y_inv (list):
w (dict): A dictionary of length `len(degs)` keyed by `degs`. `w[deg]` are the model parameters for degree `deg`
disc (list): A list of length `n_x` of the running discrepancies per variable computed during the model fit
impute (bool): If true, the model will map each combination of hold-one-out input variables to the held out variable
>>> import fem
>>> n, m = 10, 3
>>> fem.discrete.time_series(fem.discrete.model_parameters(n, m), n, m)
>>> model = fem.discrete.model()
>>> model.fit(x[:, :-1], x[:, 1:])
>>> model.predict(x[:, -1])
def __init__(self, degs=[1]):
self.degs = degs
[docs] def fit(self,
"""Fit the Potts model to the data
x (ndarray):
y (ndarray):
iters (int):
overfit (bool):
impute (bool):
svd (str):
(dict, list): The fitted model parameters and the running discrepancies
degs = self.degs
x = np.array(x)
x_int, cat_x = categorize(x)
m_x = np.array([len(c) for c in cat_x])
n_x = x_int.shape[0]
if y is None:
impute = True
y = x
y_int, cat_y = x_int, cat_x
m_y = m_x
n_y = n_x
impute = False
y = np.array(y)
y_int, cat_y = categorize(y)
m_y = np.array([len(c) for c in cat_y])
n_y = y_int.shape[0]
cat_x_inv = [{v: k for k, v in cat.iteritems()} for cat in cat_x]
cat_y_inv = [{v: k for k, v in cat.iteritems()} for cat in cat_y]
m_x_cumsum = np.insert(m_x.cumsum(), 0, 0)
m_y_cumsum = np.insert(m_y.cumsum(), 0, 0)
idx_x_by_deg = [combinatorics.multiindices(n_x, deg) for deg in degs]
mm_x = np.array(
[np.sum([np.prod(m_x[i]) for i in idx]) for idx in idx_x_by_deg])
mm_x_cumsum = np.insert(mm_x.cumsum(), 0, 0)
if (not impute) or (impute and svd == 'approx'):
x_oh = one_hot(x_int, m_x, degs)
x_oh_pinv = svd_pinv(x_oh)
w, disc, it = fortran_module.fortran_module.discrete_fit(
x_int, y_int, m_x, m_y,
m_y.sum(), degs, x_oh_pinv[0], x_oh_pinv[1], x_oh_pinv[2],
iters, overfit, impute)
disc = [d[1:it[i]] for i, d in enumerate(disc)]
elif impute and svd == 'exact':
w, disc = np.zeros((mm_x_cumsum[-1], mm_x_cumsum[-1])), []
for i in range(n_x):
not_i = np.delete(range(n_x), i)
x_oh = one_hot(x_int[not_i], m_x[not_i], degs)
x_oh_pinv = svd_pinv(x_oh)
wi, d, it = fortran_module.fortran_module.discrete_fit(
x_int[not_i], y_int[[i]], m_x[not_i], m_y[[i]],
m_y[i].sum(), degs, x_oh_pinv[0], x_oh_pinv[1],
x_oh_pinv[2], iters, overfit, False)
end = time.time()
w[m_x_cumsum[i]:m_x_cumsum[i + 1], :m_x_cumsum[
i]] = wi[:, :m_x_cumsum[i]]
w[m_x_cumsum[i]:m_x_cumsum[i + 1], m_x_cumsum[
i + 1]:] = wi[:, m_x_cumsum[i]:]
w = {
deg: w[:, mm_x_cumsum[i]:mm_x_cumsum[i + 1]]
for i, deg in enumerate(degs)
self.impute = impute
self.x_int = x_int
self.cat_x = cat_x
self.m_x = m_x
self.n_x = n_x
self.cat_x_inv = cat_x_inv
self.cat_y_inv = cat_y_inv
self.m_x_cumsum = m_x_cumsum
self.m_y_cumsum = m_y_cumsum
self.y_int = y_int
self.cat_y = cat_y
self.m_y = m_y
self.n_y = n_y
self.disc = disc
self.w = w
[docs] def predict(self, x):
"""Predict the state of the output variable given input variable `x`
x (ndarray):
(ndarray, ndarray): prediction and probability
cat_x = self.cat_x
w = self.w
degs = self.degs
m_x = self.m_x
n_y = self.n_y
m_y_cumsum = self.m_y_cumsum
cat_y_inv = self.cat_y_inv
x = np.array(x)
if x.ndim == 1:
x = x[:, np.newaxis]
x_int = np.empty(x.shape, dtype=int)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(x.shape[1]):
x_int[i, j] = cat_x[i][x[i, j]]
x_oh = one_hot(x_int, m_x, degs)
x_oh = x_oh.toarray()
w = np.hstack(w.values())
p = np.exp(w.dot(x_oh))
p = np.split(p, m_y_cumsum[1:-1], axis=0)
for i in range(n_y):
p[i] /= p[i].sum(0)
y_int = np.array([pi.argmax(axis=0) for pi in p])
j = np.arange(y_int.shape[1])
p = np.array([pi[yi, j] for yi, pi in zip(y_int, p)])
y = np.empty(y_int.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
for i in range(y.shape[0]):
for j in range(y.shape[1]):
y[i, j] = cat_y_inv[i][y_int[i, j]]
y = y.squeeze()
p = p.squeeze()
return y, p
[docs] def energy(self, x):
cat_x = self.cat_x
m_x = self.m_x
w = self.w
x_int = [cat_x[i][j] for i, j in enumerate(x)]
x_oh = one_hot(x_int, m_x)
return -0.5 * (x_oh.T * w[1] * x_oh).squeeze()
[docs]def one_hot(x, m, degs=[1]):
"""Compute the one-hot encoding of `x`
x (ndarray): `n` by `l` array of nonnegative integers to be converted to one-hot encoding
m (ndarray): length `n` array storing the number of possible integers in each row of `x`
degs (list): list of degrees of one-hot-encodings to compute
csc_matrix: sparse matrix that is the one-hot encoding of `x`. The degrees of one-hot encodings are vertically stacked.
The one-hot encoding of a discrete variable records the state of the variable by a boolean vector with a 1 at the index which is the state of the variable. The one-hot encoding of a system of discrete variables is the concatenation of the one-hot encodings of each variable. For example if the system of discrete variables :math:`(x_1, x_2, x_3)` has state :math:`(x_1,x_2,x_3)=(1,1,2)` and the variables may take values from the first :math:`m=(3,3,4)` nonnegative integers, i.e. :math:`x_1,x_2\in\{0,1,2\}` and :math:`x_3\in\{0,1,2,3\}`, then the one-hot encoding of :math:`(x_1, x_2, x_3)^T` is :math:`\sigma=(0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)^T`.
>>> from fem.discrete import one_hot
>>> x = [1,1,2]
>>> m = [3,3,4]
>>> x_oh = one_hot(x, m)
>>> print x_oh.todense()
x = np.array(x)
m = np.array(m)
degs = np.array(degs)
if x.ndim == 1:
x = x[:, np.newaxis]
n, l = x.shape
k = degs.shape[0]
max_deg = degs.max()
# list of indices that correspond to one hot encoding powers
idx_len = combinatorics.binomial_coefficients(n, max_deg)[degs].sum()
idx = []
for deg in degs:
for i in combinatorics.multiindices(n, deg):
# height of vertical vectors
mi = np.array([np.prod(m[i]) for i in idx])
# height of one-hot encoding
m_sum = mi.sum()
# convert one hot power to binary index
s = np.vstack(
[combinatorics.mixed_radix_to_base_10(x[i], m[i]) for i in idx])
# row offsets
stratifier = np.insert(mi.cumsum(), 0, 0)[:-1]
# construct sparse matrix
data = np.ones(idx_len * l)
indices = (s + stratifier[:, np.newaxis]).T.flatten()
indptr = idx_len * np.arange(l + 1)
x_oh = csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(m_sum, l))
return x_oh
[docs]def categorize(x):
"""Convert symbolic x data to integer data. `x` contains a list of lists that are samples of different variables. Each list of samples is mapped to the first number of unique values detected of nonnegative integers.
x (list): A list where each element is a list of samples of a different variable
(list, list): The integer data and a list of dictionaries that map symbol data to integer data for each row of `x`
>>> from fem.discrete import categorize
>>> x = [['a', 'b', 'a', 'a'], [10, 11, 12, 10, 11]]
>>> x_int, cat_x = categorize(x)
>>> x_int
[array([0, 1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1])]
>>> cat_x
[{'a': 0, 'b': 1}, {10: 0, 11: 1, 12: 2}]
n = len(x)
l = [len(xi) for xi in x]
x_int = [np.empty(shape=l[i], dtype=int) for i in range(n)]
cat_x = []
for i in range(n):
unique_states = np.sort(np.unique(x[i]))
m = len(unique_states)
num = dict(zip(unique_states, np.arange(m)))
for j in range(l[i]):
x_int[i][j] = num[x[i][j]]
if np.allclose(l, l[0]):
x_int = np.array(x_int)
return x_int, cat_x
[docs]def svd_pinv(x):
"""Compute the SVD-based pseudoinverse matrices
x (csc_matrix): The matrix for which to compute the pseudoinverse
(csc_matrix, ndarray, csc_matrix): If the SVD of `x` is :math:`USV^T`, this function returns :math:`V`, :math:`S^+`, and :math:`U^T`
x_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(x.todense())
x_svd = svds(x, k=min(x_rank, min(x.shape) - 1))
# x_oh_svd = svds(x_oh, k=x_oh_rank)
sv_pinv = x_svd[1]
zero_sv = np.isclose(sv_pinv, 0)
sv_pinv[~zero_sv] = 1.0 / sv_pinv[~zero_sv]
sv_pinv[zero_sv] = 0.0
x_pinv = [x_svd[2].T, sv_pinv, x_svd[0].T]
return x_pinv